
SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟售完不補

SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟福利品出清,最近好多網友都在問哪裡買

SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟

記憶卡、隨身碟 隨身碟 32GB 超值推薦

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  • 廠商原價:799
    網路特價:679元 點圖即可看詳細介紹

    SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟介紹

    SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟

    SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB 隨身碟

    ◆安心傳輸-在電腦與電腦,或其他 CE 裝置間移動檔案!

    Secure storage meets simplicity with the CruzerR Glide? USB flash drive.


    Keep your private files private with included SanDiskR SecureAccess? software?
    Protection and convenience with additional secure online backup (up to 2GB* optionally available?) offered by YuuWaa?
    Enjoy peace of mind backed by a 2 year limited warranty
    Available capacities: 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB*
    Dimensions: 2.37 x 0.82 x 0.44 in. (60.20 x 20.83 x 11.18 mm)
    Operating temperature: 0°C - 45°C
    Storage temperature: -10°C - 70°C
    Compatibility: USB 2.0
    Security: Password protection and 128-bit AES encryption
    Support: Two year limited warranty
    * 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1 billion bytes. Some capacity not available for data storage.
    ? Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by WindowsR XP, Windows VistaR, WindowsR 7, and Mac OS X v10.5+ (Software download required for Mac, see
    ? 2GB online storage offered by Yuwaa. Terms and conditions apply. Internet connection required.

    SanDisk, the SanDisk logo and Cruzer are trademarks of SanDisk Corporation, registered in the United States and other countries. Cruzer Glide is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. YuuWaa is a trademark of Gemalto SA. Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc. Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
    c 2012 SanDisk Corporation. All rights reserved.

    SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟規格介紹
    相容:USB 2.0
    尺寸:60.20 x 20.83 x 11.18 mm

    ‧非功能性的損壞 ,如 : 標籤撕除,造成無法識別是否為正品的產品,包含標籤撕除後重新貼上或是標籤損毀,或外殼裂開後,用膠水或是雙面膠帶進行黏合,或外觀上有明顯人為蓄意造成之文字或是符號…等,不予維修,亦不享有保固服務。


    Micro SDXC 64GB/SDXC 64GB以上及CF 64GB以上的記憶卡,請確定您的手機/相機及讀卡機可以支援64GB以上,並非所有裝置都支援64GB記憶卡。 若需詳細資訊,請先聯絡您的裝置製造商,若在未支援64GB的裝置上強迫格式化將會造成記憶卡毀損。 在PC上格式化,64GB以上的容量其格式是檔案系統為exFAT,請勿嘗試格式成其他系統,其動作將會造成記憶卡毀損,將喪失保固.
    64GB以上的隨身碟及記憶卡僅win 7可支援格式化 若在Windows XP格式化請先安裝exFAT套件。

    SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟

    SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide CZ60 USB - 32G 隨身碟



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